Sunday, February 20, 2005

Border Babble

Let’s face it: most people appear to support the idea that we should have open borders. They’ll deny it as such (at least, the more ‘reasonable’ ones), saying that they support security and protecting America from terrorists, but in fact, what they’re after is a de facto blanket amnesty for anyone who manages to cross the border, now and forever. These people are confusing the concept of legal immigration with illegal trespassing. They will adopt platitudes about the American Dream, and say that because our ancestors emigrated from wherever they were to America, that we thus have an obligation to allow anyone to come here who wants to.
They furthermore demand that such “Immigrants” – just as though they were on the same footing with those who went through the legal immigration process – are entitled to every government service that can be imagined. From universal medical insurance (oh, sorry: the touchy-feely name is “Health Care”) to government-subsidized college tuition, these noble people who supposedly only want to work and make a contribution to the country – never mind the thousands that immediately embark upon criminal careers and end up in our jails since the Mexican government refuses to take them back – are thought to be deserving of it all. Can people who are in this country illegally get welfare?
They certainly should, argue those who have no respect for the concept of American borders, since welfare is about “helping” the “poor”. The quotation marks here are intended to call into question certain long-held definitions which have achieved the status of fact. Apparently, having little money, regardless of whose fault it is entitles one to free money given by the state – meaning taxpayers. This is the concept behind welfare, and it is assumed to be “help”.
When Clinton very reluctantly signed onto welfare reform, he unwittingly helped launch a massive turnaround in welfare use and abuse. Let’s forget for a moment how much corruption and waste pervades the welfare program (as difficult as that is), and look at what the concept of this “help” provides. If I have no money, and you give me some, then I don’t need to go earn money. Sounds like a pretty good deal, doesn’t it? Because of basic economic principles, we can see that carrying this plan to its logical extent would bankrupt the country very quickly. Well, that’s not what we’re proposing, say the proponents of welfare. We just want to help people get on their feet, from where they can then find gainful employment. But how can that happen if we’re giving away free money? Through government-sponsored “Job Training” programs, say the advocates. If that’s the goal, then why not skip the welfare payments, and go directly to this step? The question is never even raised. And why are people who are here illegally even considered for this kind of government largesse? Again, it’s because to most people, there’s no such thing as an illegal immigrant. This is primarily because of the distortion and whitewashing perpetrated by the pro-illegal immigrant fringe, which has obfuscated the concept of law. According to this line of thought, you have no right to insist on limitation of illegals from Mexico because you are a member of a wealthy society, and therefore have an obligation to share your wealth with whoever shows up to take it. How different is this from communism? Not very, but those same folk who think that everyone in Mexico has a God-given right to come into America and take up residence are the same people who still think communism would be wonderful, and that it just hasn’t been “done right”. There’s far more of these people among us than you would think. If you have no concept of borders, law, or American jurisdiction, please do us a favor, and pursue your dream of moving to a different country. In fact, why not try Mexico? Let us know what sort of reception illegal immigrants get there.


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