Little Ward Churchills
It really didn't take long for the Universities, the intelligentsia, and the elites to explain away - or even excuse - the events of September 11th, 2001. Looking back on the essays of those times, it's striking how unified Americans were, at least for that brief period of time before the excuses, rationalizations, and flat-out lies were trotted out in order to put the blame for the event squarely on the back of the United States.It has fit in with a wider pattern of anti-Americanism that has been going on more or less since the end of the second world war, which was, oddly enough, a time when profound gratitude for America's help should have been the order of the day, and was instead a shallow thanks, which covered up the deeper feeling of resentment that would simmer and fester over the next several decades.
From criticism of America's handling of the Cold War, to U.N. chastisement of America for pretty much anything it does, to the Muslim world - fed for decades on a thin gruel which identifies worldwide Jewry as the cause of its poverty-stricken swill, the mentality of the world's elites has taken on the role of the sullen teenager, incapable of supporting himself in independence, and thus indebted to and reliant upon Mom and Dad for his warm bed, snug home, and nourishing sustenance. While digesting the largesse of his parents, he is prone to ugly thoughts of violence against them, and at the very least devotes a large portion of his daily energies to pointing out every conceivable transgression of protocol or common sense that they may have the ill fortune to execute while he plays witness. Over time, this pathology leads him to a blind hatred of Mom, Dad, School, Church, and society in general. If he is lucky, his youthful energy will allow his angst to be channeled into something resembling productivity, and if all goes well, he will continue in this manner until his coming of age, when he is finally able to get a job, take a mate, and settle into the more predictable challenges of middle age.
Unfortunately, there are times when the formula goes horribly wrong, and we encounter an Erik and Lyle Menendez, whose hatred for their parents led them to kill.
This is essentially what we saw with Bin Laden, whose own pampered upbringing appears to have only fueled his infantile outrage. What is more pathetic than a Bin Laden? The answer is found in the editorial section of your local newspaper every single day: the elites lecturing us that we not only deserved 9/11, but are directly responsible for it. They may not say it quite so plainly, but be rest assured that if you ask any nearby liberal "What caused 9/11?", the answer will come rushing out that it was because of our "Meddling" in the Middle East. Details? Unnecessary. These conclusions are almost never based on actual research; they are instead the result of listening to the choruses of little Ward Churchills spread throughout our newspapers and Universities, inventing the justifications for their bloodthirsty invective against the United States and all it stands for. This is the legacy of 9/11, and it only took a few years.
Not bad, by any standard of enhanced propaganda. The Nazis would be impressed.