Sunday, March 29, 2009

Stark Raving Deficits

I don't give my regional, rodeo-clown representative, Pete Stark, a hard time as often as I should for the dismal job he does, but today I had to dash off a quick note, since his office is constantly sending out news items on his latest boondoggles: his latest is more public spending to subsidize employer leave, which earned him this response from me:

Dear Mr. Stark: with regard to HR 1723: You've got to be kidding. In "These tough economic times", as you yourself referred to them, the last thing we need is further bankruptcy of our bloated public sector.
That seven dollars a month for the employee AND employer you cited as the approximate cost - and we all know what tends to happen to such "initial" estimates - would be better left in the hands of employers and employees alike. Not all of us favor the process of transferring power to the government for everything that sounds desirable; making laws that demand certain results is an inappropriate use of public policy.
As you and your colleagues scramble to spend ever more public money, you are merely adding to already-absurd deficits - which you also denounced under Bush, but apparently praise under Obama.
Please stop throwing other people's money on this pyre.

Registered and regular voter


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