Undocumented Intentions
At least now we understand what this so-called "Immigration" debate is about, because it's not about guest workers, the economy, driver licenses, or any such thing. It's about handing America over to those who believe it is owed to them. Think I'm exaggerating?There's not a single credible argument to be heard by those calling for less restrictions on illegals - we all know that while prices for certain goods and services will rise if illegals weren't around, there's just no such thing as work that American's "won't" do. Allow prices to fluctuate as they would in any other free market, and they'll arrive at the exact spot they should be by mutual concensus, albeit unspoken. You don't need a degree in economics to understand this principle of market systems. It was only slightly surprising, then, to hear President Bush offering up this lie, by the way - I thought he would at least remember that a far greater number of Americans now see through such B.S., but apparently he wants to try flying under the radar one more time.
It's still not clear where the racism police are when this "Jobs that Americans won't do" phrase is thrown around just as though it were an established fact - why not just take it a step further, and state that black people "won't" do these jobs because they're too "Lazy"?
The same goes for any other argument you care to pull out of that "Undocumented Immigrant" hat, and don't even start on how illegal aliens should have driver's licenses in the name of "Safety" - it was almost funny to watch people attempt to make this argument with a straight face, just as though fewer traffic accidents were the only thing they were thinking of.
The debate, and thus the marches recently, are simple demonstrations for Brown Supremacy. Still think I exaggerate? Well, take a look at the photos from the demonstrations, and note the flags being flown - what ratio do you see of Mexican to American flags? Useful idiots who are themselves neither Mexican nor Hispanic support open borders without actually saying so because it appears to be the closest position to their holy grails of tolerance, diversity, and anti-oppression. They may even say that their positions don't necessarily support open borders, but rather are against measures taken to restrict the flow of illegal aliens - a bankrupt position that enjoys thinking about effects while ignoring results.
The debate is long since over - America has a right to enforce both its laws and its borders, and we have no inherent moral obligation to take in people whom the Mexican government either can't or won't take care of. Being adjacent to a poor neighbor does not confer protector and provider status. Why should Mexico's proximity mean that its economic migrants receive preferred status ahead of those who take the legal routes to citizenship from countries around the globe?
No, there is no debate left, just a wash of blind emotions - concern on the part of compassionate but economically clueless liberals, and advocacy from fire-breathing Spanish speakers who believe that America is "their" land that was "stolen" from them, and must be reclaimed.
Polls tell us over and over that Americans don't want automatic citizenship granted to everyone who manages to set foot over the border, and yet those who create - and supposedly enforce - our laws increasingly act in direct opposition to this wish. Nothing could be more un-American.