The Mother of all Double Standards
So a member of both the House of Representatives and the legendary Kennedy family drives erratically, and smacks into a barricade in the road. What happens next? Well, if it were you or I doing this, we'd be tested for drunk driving, and most likely spend the rest of the night in the slammer.But when you're a highly-placed politician, apparently, you are given a ride home by the cops, without even the most cursory field testing for impairment. It's just not possible to imagine a more brazen example of a cover-up based on political favoritism.
Wondering where Mothers Against Drunk Driving might stand on this scandal, I checked their website, and was pleasantly surprised to see a statement (cycnically, I had fully expected to see no reference at all). However, closer examination revealed a complete fumble:
"Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) supports the United States Capitol Police Department’s decision to thoroughly review this incident and examine the Department’s current procedures concerning crashes where impairment due to alcohol or drug use is suspected. We have great faith that the investigation will clarify the facts and determine appropriate outcomes of this situation."
Can you imagine such a tolerant stance if the careening driver had been a Republican? The outcry would be deafening. So MADD supports a decision to "Thoroughly review" the incident? Where are the demands for procedures to be applied to everyone, regardless of political status or affiliation? Could MADD have a partisan reason to treat Patrick Kennedy with kid gloves? It certainly wouldn't be the first time, but it's sickening to see it on such brazen display in this day and age.
Way to stand up for your principles, MADD.