Thursday, December 14, 2006


So what's needed in Iraq? What's needed in the Middle East in general? Why, it's simple, according to the reasonable, sensible, and realistic pundits.

Nuance. Sensitivity. Dialogue with Syria and Iran. A "Real Solution" to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.

Sorry, I really meant to get through this without using the quotation marks, but I just couldn't stand it. The James Baker-led Iraq "Report" once again trots out these horses, which echo the exact same thought enunciated by our more ambitious politicians: If we just sit down and negotiate, we can solve this.

Do you remember how badly Clinton wanted to become the man who resolved the Israel/Palestine situation? He practically tucked Arafat into bed at the White House, only to be rebuffed when - surprise! - the terms of the deal offered were deemed unsatisfactory by the Nobel-worthy, self-appointed, and thoroughly corrupt "Leader" of the Palestinian cause.

The lesson here is that so many have yearned to be that person, and the inspiration - never mind that it's doomed to fail - consists of little more than: "If I were in charge, I could make them strike a deal, and then the whole planet would love me!"

Unbeknownst to many of our would-be leaders, this is not "Let's make a deal", or any of its variants, such as "Who wants to acquire a homeland?". It has nothing to do with "Peace", and everything to do with exterminating Israel and its Jews - how many times must you be reminded of this by Ahmadinejad before you understand that he means what he says?

So, mr. aspiring peacebroker - how will you negotiate a peace with those whose sole demand - which can't be negotiated - is the death of the other party? How will you, Mr. Kucinich or Kerry - or you, Ms. Clinton - make good on your fantasy that your superior negotiation skills by themselves will resolve the essential conflict?

I hate to burst your bubble, but your pipe dream puts us all at risk.


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