The next defense for terrorism: "Discrimination!"
The P.R. machine of Islam continues to play its game of murderous deception by hosting a conference at which it is claimed that "Islamophobia is the worst form of terrorism" - this statement would be laughable if it didn't have innocent blood on its hands; the doublethink proclaims, with a totally straight face, that there is a "Rising tide of intolerance and discrimination against Muslims".It's beyond disgusting to see apologists for terrorism play the media like a fiddle, but they have steadily gained confidence after watching Western elites roll over, kowtow, and fold like laundry in the face of even the slightest insinuations of "insensitivity".
Here's the bottom line, since the loss of common sense has turned into an international disease: There are people who bomb, torture, behead, and otherwise kill and cripple fellow human beings, and every single time, it is a Muslim, who claims, via one channel or another, that he is acting in the interests of Islam. And don't bother bringing up John Walker Lindh or Richard Reid as a refutation of this, as they were stand-ins for the same cause.
When people who commit such acts claim to speak in the name if Islam, whose fault is it for accepting that impression? Well, this is not a trick question, but the apologists are hard at work trying to convince you that it's YOUR fault for even thinking such a thing.
We don't hear of perpetual bombings, beheadings, and kidnap-torture-murders regarding land disputes in areas where Muslims are not involved. How is it a "Phobia" to deduce from this that Muslims are the connecting thread among such incidents? It is a sophisticated mind game that attempts to convince the observer that his senses are telling him the opposite of what he sees.
If only these Muslim "Leaders" could put half that energy into persuading their radical brethren to abandon their medieval ways, and join the family of man - but as the newly-empowered Muslim grievance industry takes its cues from the likes of Al Sharpton, this type of reverse logic will continue to be employed, and even more disturbingly, accepted, lapped up, and swallowed whole by those in the West who are afflicted with a virulent strain of Stockholm Syndrome without even knowing it.
To those who would blame us for their own community's incitements to murder, we are not fooled by your claims that you are the "victims", and we are not cowed. We are not terrified of being accused of "racism" in your perverse notions of good and evil, so why not drop the act? Either side with the seventh-century aspirants who wish to behead the rest of us, or start acting like the modern and civilized people you claim to be.