Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Hypocrisy, meet willful blindness

It took about ten seconds for the "News" media to open fire on Sarah Palin, John McCain's pick for Vice-Presidential candidate.
Yahoo!, a reliably left-wing feed of left-wing AP stories, displayed a story called "Presidential Scholars question Palin credentials", in all seriousness. Of course, Ms. Palin's governance of an entire state is to be somehow dismissed, at least from this perspective.

So now we are not only meant not to question anything at all about Barack Obama's plans or person, but this established career woman is entirely suspect. Forget completely Obama's vagueness about his policy proposals, and focus instead on how Ms. Palin's down syndrome baby needs mommy to be at home. Forget all the shining praise heaped on Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Michelle Obama - if Ms. Palin were a member of the Democrat party, we would be hearing encomiums on her accomplishments, her gutsy battles against entrenched and corrupt political machinery, and her shattering of the glass ceiling - odd, isn't it, how the usual voices are entirely silent on these points?

Remember the Reagan days? Remember how he was dismissed as an "Actor", a lightweight, all style, no substance? If such a criticism has any validity at all, how could it possibly not be applied to Barack Obama? Oh, well, it's different, you see, because....(fill in the blank with your own on-the-spot excuse) - e.j. Dionne apparently had no embarrassment in claiming that Obama has been "Put through the journalistic wringer" - as illegitimate claims go, that's a howler: take a random major media news story about Barack Obama, and you can pick from a list of approved, positive buzz-phrases - everything from his "Community Organizing" to his "Coalition Building", to his "Organizational effectiveness", his "Quick mastery of complex policy questions", and on and on and on - wringer? It's more like his own personal p.r. machine.

And now Ms. Palin enters the picture, and the media is spinning madly, trying to figure out how to diss her without opening the door for the exact same attacks to be (more accurately) directed at Obama.

Feminists pan and sneer, while trying to push the view that Ms. Palin is somehow out of the mainstream, when it is they themselves who condescendingly dismissed the middle class decades ago. Blacks regularly support Obama in lockstep, which is supposed to be just fine, until, that is, whites support a white candidate in lockstep, or Ms. Palin appears to take the women's vote, at which point we are supposed to be troubled. Troubled by what, they cannot articulate, which is just as well, because the moment they do, they have finally revealed themselves as the frauds that they truly are.

It will be annoying as hell, but very enlightening, to see the contortions that the traditional news media engages in to trash Sarah Palin. The same blinders that allow these "Analysts" to accept Mr. Obama's contentions that he'll engage in line-item vetoes to eliminate waste while simultaneously raising every tax in sight are the ones they'll use to tell the American Public that Ms. Palin is "Untested", "Inexperienced", "Questionable", and every other conceivable crticism. The problem is, those same labels far better describe their anointed candidate, Barack Obama.

Whatever else you may think of John McCain, you can't dismiss this act of tactical brilliance.


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