Hope you're happy, Obamamericans
So what did you get in exchange for your "Hope and Change" vote? An end to the old, divisive politics, and the ushering in of a new era of bipartisanship, coupled with fiscal restraint while at the same time magically bestowing care and largess on the downtrodden of society? Did you imagine for even one minute that your "Historical" presidency would be immediately bloated with the same-old career lobbyists, tax cheats, and pork-trough scavengers? Could you not have foreseen the renewed dedication to huge tax increases and massive expansion of a government that is both broke and broken?What is a "Stimulus", especially considering that Mr. Obama has hardly worked for private enterprise in his life, much less run a business? Not all leadership is predicated on this quality, but it is rather distressing how many in the Democrat "Leadership" are career bureaucrats, who have had minimal exposure to the intricacies of either running a business or living paycheck-to-paycheck. Rahm Emanuel's childlike enthusiasm for not letting a crisis "Go to waste" demonstrates, more clearly than anything else could, the extent to which government careerists wish to don laboratory coats and turn the economy into a testing environment for their grandiose schemes. To some extent, this is all to be expected, as we elect our leaders with the understanding that they will be dealing with things on a daily basis which we have neither the time nor the inclincation for - but there is a breaking point which these opportunists love to go beyond, from which they may dictate newer and ever-more bizarre ways to spend our tax dollars.
Listen to Nancy Pelosi attempting to explain how throwing millions of dollars at contraception and family planning somehow helps the economy. Listen to Harry Reid dismissing Republican objections to the kazillion-dollar "Stimulus" - which, when you look at it, amounts to little more than printing money, in the old banana-republic style. And listen to Obama himself, attempting to spin resistance to this plan as "Irresponsible" - lecturing and hectoring like that takes guts, but when you're Obama, and the newspapers will echo your every move while putting an angelic halo over your head, you begin to taste what is known as hubris - and your appetite for it expands exponentially, while your fawning supporters eagerly dish out whatever explanation of reality you care to come up with. Listen, once again, to how "Bipartisanship" is claimed to mean Republicans shedding their points of view, as though any opposition is somehow undemocratic.
Remember how somberly we were lectured that "Dissent is Patriotic" when many of us criticized the head-in-the-sand approach to terrorism and Iraq? Incredible how quickly the winds shift when your own guy is in power. Nowadays, those who question our dear leader's mortgaging of the future of America are told to "Give him a chance" - this is the chance they actually wanted? To bankrupt the government and hamstring the private sector while being told that the "Right Thing" is being done?
If you loathe business and love the concept of socialism, then great, you're probably in a very happy place right about now - and the accusation of "Socialism" is very real - you may dismiss such talk, and tell yourself that "It can't happen here", but how sure of that are you? We are told, by administration personnel, that stimulus money should not go to "White construction workers", and no one even objects to such naked racism. Sure, it's all understood to be somehow correct and proper, in some incredibly twisted logic - but is this at all close to the grand new society you thought Obama was going to bring?
You who supported Obama while struggling to overlook some very real concerns about him - his far-left views, his openly racist pastor of twenty years, his role as a cog in the Chicago machine - you, who joined in with the newspapers, who tripped over themselves explaining away anything even remotely negative about the man - you, who continue to think that Obama's skin color has little to do with how he got where he is, as opposed to serving as a convenient vehicle for getting support from the press, the elites, and the intellgentsia - you, who bought into the notion that ACORN is a non-partisan group that merely helps out with the always-questionable concept of "Community Organizing" - you, who went mad with rage at Bush's razor-thin margin of votes in 2000, but now dismiss the significance of Obama's first election win by getting votes invalidated, and his subsquent quashing of opponents by the mysterious leaking of divorce records - you, who thought that a John Kerry-like, more "Sensitive" war on terror was a wonderful idea, and applauded Obama's speech that appeared to kowtow to Islam while ignoring America's tremendous contributions of the well-being of such Muslims all around the world (and please, put aside the notion that Israel is the primary cause of religious violence) - you, who have been swaddled in the notion that the government should provide all things to all people, and Obama is just the man to do it - you are a hypocrite.
Hope you enjoy the country's misery; you've certainly earned it.