Monday, November 03, 2008

Last call for sanity

It's almost time to vote, and before you enter that booth, you ought to have asked yourself a few questions, such as:
-Do you believe that America is broken, and needs repair?
-Do you believe that wealth can be created by government?
-Do you believe that you have been given a generally fair look at your choices?

If you can answer these questions honestly, then you should have no problem selecting the lesser of the inherently undesirable choices, and for the presidency, that would be John McCain.

Why not Barack Obama? Because he doesn't pass the most basic tests. He has, over the course of his incredibly minimalist career of getting elected to higher positions than whatever he currently occupied, joined the chorus of anti-American voices from around the world, promised the impossible, and contorted himself into more positions than a Kama Sutra manual about his past statements, associations, writings, and practices.

He has childish views on diplomacy, he makes vapid statements regarding his policies that either collapse or simply make no sense under any level of scrutiny, and he employs, enables, and empowers those who believe that America should be torn down and rebuilt in the fashion of some quasi-European socialist-aspiring worker's paradise.

The paper trail of these declarations is substantial and voluminous, and yet, in a display of hubris and arrogance that would make George Bush's supposed "squandering of the goodwill of the world" look like child's play (if it were true, which it ain't), the news media, despite its internet-empowered, 24/7 prognostication, has steadfastedly averted its gaze from anything and everything that might even hint of a less-than-godlike view of Barack Obama. William Ayers? Jeremiah Wright? Steven Pfleger? Tony Rezko? Khalidi whatsisname? Non-entities, according to the news, and you should be ashamed of yourself for even wondering if there's anything with these associations worth thinking about. No, the news media, which pounces on even the slightest mispronunciation of a word by a Republican, could not be bothered to conclude that Obama was lying about either his church attendance or the content of its sermons, and its bizarre gyrations in rationalizing such developments would be shameful, that is, if anyone in mainstream news were capable of feeling shame.

But you might say, "Well, that's mostly in the past; what matters right now are the issues", and conclude that Obama leads the way in painting a vision for America - but if you were to actually look at his proposals, rather than skim whatever reassurances the New York Times has managed to brew up today, you might just be a little apprehensive at the constantly changing definition of "The Rich", who will be taxed more, or the billions of new Federal dollars for a smorgasbord of government programs that try to spend money even faster than the old programs which do the exact same thing, or the massive new giveaways to foreign countries, as though the current hundreds of millions were just not quite enough, even as they are sent to highly questionable and undesirable regimes.

So you might say, "Well, at least Obama will project a better image of America abroad", in the hopes that having a black man would make everyone "Respect" America again, just as though their earlier lack of respect was in any way warranted. In this area, you would once again be disappointed - if you really believe that Guantanamo Bay is filled with peaceful goat herders who were wrongly captured by a tentacled, growling George Bush, and you would like to see such people simply released into America, along with complimentary citizenship, welfare payments, and "Affordable Housing", then you might want to ask the 9/11 hijackers if it made any difference to them which president was in office as they made their sickening plans. Since they're dead, we can't really ask them, but if you believe in your heart of hearts that such people would have thought better of their intended actions if only a more soothing and reassuring president of the U.S. was in charge, then of course, Obama's your guy. And since President Obama would get us out of Iraq, withdraw from Afghanistan, and just generally fold down the American military presence abroad, then we will enjoy peace and prosperity at home and abroad, and there will be no terrorist attacks, just like during Bill Clinton's reign. Oh, except of course, for U.S. embassies in Africa, the first world trade center bombing, Khobar Towers, etc....

And if you truly belive that Sarah Palin is some sort of pro-life, gun-toting hick who's dumber than a post, just take a look at Joe Biden, with his president-Roosevelt-got-on-tv-and-spoke-to-America-during-the-crash-of-'29 bit, and ask yourself if the news coverage has been as fair as you've convinced yourself it has.

Make sure to answer those three questions fully and honestly before you pull that lever.

Good luck, America - you may really need it.


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